(for inclusion on all SESC plans submitted for review and certification)
Updated August 2014
- The Mercer County Soil
Conservation District shall be notified 48 hours prior to starting land
disturbance activity. Notice may be mailed, faxed or emailed to:
MCSCD, 590 Hughes Drive, Hamilton Square, NJ 08690
Phone: 609-586-9603 Fax:
609-586-1117 Email:
- If applicable to this project, the owner should be
aware of his or her obligation to file for a NJPDES Construction Activity Stormwater 5G3 Permit (NJG0088323) via the NJDEP
online permitting system (
and to maintain the associated best management practices and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan self-inspection
logbook onsite at all times. This permit must be filed prior to the start
of soil disturbance. The online application process will require entry of
an SCD certification code, which is provided by the Soil Conservation
District upon certification of the Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plan.
- The Mercer County Soil Conservation District shall be
notified of any changes in ownership.
- Any changes to the Certified Soil Erosion and Sediment
Control Plan, including an increase in the limit of disturbance, will
require the submission of revised Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plans
to the District for recertification. The revised plans must meet all
current State Soil Erosion & Sediment Control STANDARDS.
- A copy of the certified Soil Erosion and Sediment
Control plan shall be maintained on site at all times.
- All Soil Erosion and Sediment Control practices shall
be installed prior to any major soil disturbances, or in their proper
sequence as outlined within the Sequence of Construction on the Certified
Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, and
maintained until permanent protection is established.
- All work shall be done in accordance with the current
STANDARDS for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control in NJ. If language
contained within any other permit for this project is more restrictive than
(but not contradictory to) what is contained within these notes or on the
Certified Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, then the more
restrictive permit requirements shall be followed.
- The Standard for Stabilized Construction Access
requires the installation of a 1˝” to 2˝” clean stone tracking pad
at all construction driveways immediately after initial site disturbance,
whether identified on the certified plan or not. The width shall span the
full width of egress, and length shall be 50 ft. or more, depending on
site conditions and as required by the STANDARD. This shall include
individual lot access points within residential subdivisions. If the
egress is to a County road, then a 20 ft. long paved transition shall be
provided between the edge of pavement and the stone access pad.
- A sub-base course will be applied immediately following
rough grading and installation of improvements in order to stabilize
streets, roads, driveways and parking areas. In areas where no utilities
are present, the sub-base shall be installed within 15 days of preliminary
grading, provided that all other requirements related to detention basins,
swales and the Sequence of Construction have been met.
- Any disturbed areas that will be left exposed more than
14 days and not subject to construction activity will immediately receive
temporary stabilization. If the season prevents establishment of a
temporary vegetative cover, or if the area is not topsoiled,
then the disturbed areas will be mulched with straw, or equivalent material,
at a rate of two (2) tons per acre, according to State STANDARDS.
Sloped areas in excess of 3H:1V shall be provided
with erosion control blankets. Critical areas subject to erosion (i.e.
steep slopes, roadway embankments, environmentally sensitive areas) will
receive temporary stabilization immediately after initial disturbance or
rough grading
- Any steep slopes (i.e. slopes greater than 3:1)
receiving pipeline or utility installation will be backfilled and
stabilized daily, as the installation proceeds.
- Permanent vegetation shall be seeded or sodded on all
exposed areas within ten (10) days after final grading and topsoiling. All agronomic requirements contained
within the STANDARDS and on the Certified Plan shall be employed. Mulch
with binder, in accordance with the STANDARDS, shall be used on all seeded
areas. Save all tags and/or bags used for seed, lime and fertilizer, and
provide them to the District inspector to verify that mixtures and rates
meet the STANDARDS.
- At the time when the site preparation for permanent
vegetative stabilization is going to be accomplished, any soil that will
not provide a suitable environment to support adequate vegetative ground
cover, shall be removed or treated in such a way that will permanently
adjust the soil conditions and render it suitable for vegetative ground
cover. If the removal or treatment of the soil will not provide suitable
conditions, then non-vegetative means of permanent ground stabilization
will have to be employed.
- During the course of construction, soil compaction may
occur within haul routes, staging areas and other project areas. In
accordance with the Standard for Topsoiling,
compacted surfaces should be scarified 6" to 12" immediately
prior to topsoil application. This will help ensure a good bond between
the topsoil and subsoil. This practice is permissible only where there is
no danger to underground utilities (cables, irrigation systems, etc.).
- Prior to seeding, topsoil shall be worked to prepare a
proper seedbed. This shall include raking of the topsoil and removal of
debris and stones, along with other requirements of the Standard for
Permanent Vegetative Cover for Soil Stabilization.
- In accordance with the STANDARD for Management of High
Acid Producing Soils, any soil having a pH of 4 or less or containing iron
sulfides shall be buried with limestone in accordance with the STANDARD
and be covered with a minimum of 12” of soil having a pH of 5 or more
prior to topsoil application and seedbed preparation. If the area is to
receive tree or shrub plantings, or is located on a slope, then the area
shall be covered with a minimum of 24" of soil having a pH of 5 or
- Mulching to the STANDARDS is required for obtaining a
Conditional Report of Compliance. Conditional ROC’s are only issued when the
season prohibits seeding. Permanent stabilization must then be completed
during the optimum seeding season immediately following the Conditional
ROC, or the completion of work in a given area.
- Hydroseeding is a two-step process.
The first step includes seed, fertilizer, lime, etc., along with minimal
amounts of mulch to promote consistency, good seed-to-soil contact, and
give a visual indication of coverage. Upon completion of the seeding
operation, hydromulch should be applied at a
minimum rate of 1500 lbs. per acre in second step. The use of hydro-mulch,
as opposed to straw, is limited to optimum seeding dates as listed in the
STANDARDS. The use of Hydromulch on sloped areas
is discouraged.
- The contractor is responsible for keeping all adjacent
roads clean during life of the construction project. All sediment washed,
dropped, tracked or spilled onto paved surfaces shall be immediately
- The developer shall be responsible for remediating any
erosion or sediment problems that arise as a result of ongoing
construction, and for employing additional erosion and sediment control
measures at the request of the Mercer County Soil Conservation District.
- Conduit Outlet Protection must be installed at all
required outfalls prior to the drainage system becoming operational.
- All detention / retention basins must be fully
constructed (inclusive of all structural components and liners) and
permanently stabilized prior to paving or prior to the addition of any
impervious surfaces. Permanent stabilization includes, but may not be
limited to: topsoil, seed, straw mulch and binders or erosion control
blankets on all seeding, all agronomic requirements as specified on the
Certified Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, installation of the
outflow control structures and discharge storm drainage piping, low flow
channels, conduit outlet protection, emergency spillways, and lap ring
- The riding surface of all utility trenches within paved
areas shall be 3/4" clean stone or base pavement until such time as final
pavement has been installed. Temporary soil riding surfaces are
- All construction dewatering (trenches, excavations,
etc.) must be done through an inlet or outlet filter in accordance with
the Standard for Dewatering or as depicted on the Certified Soil Erosion
and Sediment Control Plan. Discharge locations for the dewatering
operation must contain perennial vegetation or similar stable surface.
- All swales or channels that will receive runoff from
paved surfaces must be permanently stabilized prior to the installation of
pavement. If the season prohibits the establishment of permanent
stabilization, the swales or channels may be temporarily stabilized in
accordance with the STANDARDS.
- NJSA 4:24-39 et seq. requires that no Certificate of
Occupancy or Temporary Certificate of Occupancy be issued by the
Municipality before the provisions of the Certified Soil Erosion and
Sediment Control Plan have been satisfied. Therefore, all site work for
site plans and all work around individual lots in subdivisions must be
completed before the District issues a Report of Compliance or Conditional
Report of Compliance, which must be forwarded to the Municipality prior to
the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or Temporary Certificate of
Occupancy, respectively.